Terry Kurtz

  我是Terry Kurtz, 祈福英语学校小学部老师。我教的学生在G3A/B两个班。这是我在祈福学校工作的第六年。我已经教过1、2、3年级的学生。我热爱教育,学生是我快乐的主要源泉。另外我担任小学1-3年级的外教组长,国际班7-8年级的男子组篮球教练。最近我被评为2005-2006学年的:“优秀教师 ”。

  我获得了Scottsdale 综合大学的大专学位,加尼福尼亚州落杉矶Azusa Pacific大学的科学学士学位,我在菲尼克斯大学进行继续教育之前,还获得了该校的教师资格证。我还在西洛杉矶大学进修了法律,在亚尼桑那州,Queen Creek小学进行了12周的实习。 我相信学生在将来都能被培养为有为的青年。我的教学溶入了一系列的语言方法, 学生接受知识的同时,鼓励他们探讨新方法和发表新观点。

Hello! My name is Terry Kurtz. I am a teacher at Clifford School in the Elementary program. My students are the Grade 3 A and B classes. This is my sixth school year at Clifford School. I’ve taught in first grade, second grade, and the third grade. I truly enjoy teaching and my students have always been the main reason for my enjoyment. My other duties at school are as a Team Leader for the grades 1, 2, and 3 Western teachers in the Elementary program, as well as being the boys basketball coach for the grade 7 and 8 International program. I recently was rewarded with the Teacher of the Year Award for the 2005-2006 school year.

I received an Associates degree from Scottsdale Community College. I earned my Bachelors of Science degree in Political Science from Azusa Pacific University in Los Angeles, California. I also attended the University of West Los Angeles School of Law before continuing my education at the University of Phoenix where I earned my Teaching Certification. I performed my 12 week student teaching practicum at Queen Creek Elementary in Queen Creek, Arizona.

I believe that students should be nurtured to become successful men and women in the future. My teaching philosophy incorporates a whole language approach while allowing students to process information to discover new ideas and concepts.